Frequently Asked Questions
What time are the services?
Our main worship service and children’s ministries are at 10:30am on Sunday morning. The service is usually over by 11:45am.
Where do I park?
We have a nice parking lot on the side and back of the church building. Handicapped parking is on the side of the building. You can also park on the street. Most people enter by the side entrance under the car port. You can also enter by the front doors. We do have a ramp in the back entrance.
What is the dress code?
The dress is mostly casual. Some wear jeans and some dress up. Our pastors are usually business casual.
Where do I sit?
As soon as you enter the building you will be in the entrance area. You can hang up your coat and then you will see a greeter. The outline for the message as well as other materials will be found on the back table. The sanctuary is next to the entrance area. You may sit wherever you feel comfortable.
Where are the restrooms?
In the entrance area, you will see steps leading downstairs. Go downstairs, turn left and then right and you’ll see the restrooms are on your left.
We do have a small restroom on the first floor near the church office.
In addition, there is a handicap accessible restroom located on the first floor down the hallway on the right just before the back stairs.
Where is the nursery (0-2 years old)?
In the entrance area, take the steps downstairs, turn left and then right. You will see double doors leading into our large children’s room. Just beyond those doors is the nursery on your left. Eileen Logan is the coordinator.
Where is the 2-4 year old classroom?
In the entrance area, follow the steps downstairs and turn right. Our friendly teachers will be greeting you.
Where are the K-5th grade classrooms?
Across from the entrance area doors, you will see a doorway leading into a hallway. Follow the hallway to a set of stairs on the right. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, turn left and then make the first right into the next hallway. The classrooms will be in front of you. We have a great staff that rotates each week. They all love working with children!
What is the worship service like?
The pastor will begin with a few announcements followed by a scripture reading. Our worship team leads us in contemporary, upbeat, praise songs. Denis, our leader, plays lead guitar along with Kathi on the piano/tambourine, Jeff on bass guitar, Jon and Peter on acoustic guitar, Alfio and Mike on drums, and our talented singers. We have a screen with the words on it and we stand for these songs. If you can't stand for all the songs that is ok. We then have someone lead in prayer. After the prayer, we greet one another with a handshake. (Some people like to hug!) The pastor gives a 20-25 minute inspirational, life-applicable message. We then close with a hymn.
There are offering plates on the back table for your convenience. You do not have to give an offering - this is for the church family as they support God's ministry here at HCC.
All services are being live-streamed on the HCC FaceBook page (https://www.facebook.com/hatborocommunitychurch) and recordings of past services can also be found there.
What and where is the after church fellowship?
Immediately after the worship service and after you have picked up your child from their classroom, you are invited to join us in the church fellowship hall for free tea, coffee, juice and goodies. This is a great way to meet other people from the church. We have a very friendly church family. Follow the hallway off the entrance area and it will lead you to the fellowship hall.
Will I have an opportunity to meet the Pastor?
Pastor Chris tries to greet everyone before the service begins and you may greet him in the entrance area after the service. Pastor Chris, along with our deacon, Sally Suntheimer, and Elder Jonathan Ritts, are also available after the service.