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Christ the Healer pt 2 - the compassion of Christ and the Authority of the Believer

Writer: Pastor Chris BobblettPastor Chris Bobblett


In the pursuit of understanding Christ as the ultimate healer, we delve into the profound nature of His compassion and the authority bestowed upon believers. The Scriptures paint a vivid picture of God's compassion, emphasizing His willingness to heal. Christ's earthly ministry was marked by compassion, a trait that remains a guiding force in the healing process. This compassion stems from the very nature of God, who is defined more by love and mercy than anything else.

Christ's Compassion Unveiled:

Throughout the Gospels, we witness Jesus being "moved with compassion" as he healed those in need. The Scriptures highlight this compassionate nature, revealing God's heart for His creation. The correlation between mercy and compassion emphasizes God's tender love, a love that inspires faith and draws people to Him for healing. The healing miracles performed by Jesus were not a result of creating tools for the infirm but a manifestation of divine compassion.

God Is Love:

The foundational truth about God's character is His graciousness and compassion. The Scriptures repeatedly declare that God is gracious and full of compassion. Modern theology, however, has often overshadowed this truth, emphasizing God's power over His love. The revival of faith often occurs when individuals grasp the reality of God's present love and compassion. Understanding that God is love and that His compassion drives His actions fosters a deep sense of faith.

Resisting the Devil and Understanding God's Will:

James 4:7 instructs believers to submit to God and resist the devil actively. The act of resistance involves fighting against the schemes of the enemy, particularly in the realm of sickness and disease. Contrary to some religious beliefs, sickness is not a tool wielded by God for correction or punishment. Recognizing that healing is in the Atonement and that Christ is compassionate sets the foundation for resisting the devil's attempts to bring sickness.

The Unchanging Christ:

A powerful reminder comes from Hebrews 13:8, stating that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus healed all who came to Him during His earthly ministry, demonstrating God's unwavering compassion. This consistency reveals that God is not the author of sickness, and His nature remains unchanged.

The Shift in Spiritual Authority:

The cross and resurrection ushered in a radical shift in spiritual dynamics. Before the cross, divinely empowered agents were necessary to confront demonic powers. However, Christ's victory disarmed the rulers of darkness, giving believers direct access to authority. Understanding one's identity in Christ becomes crucial in resisting the devil, as believers now reside "in Christ" who holds all authority.

Identity in Christ:

Nothing is more foundational than understanding one's identity in Christ. Believers are not victims but dearly loved and accepted children of God, equipped with authority and power. This identity shapes attitudes, actions, and responses, breaking the bondage of Satan's lies.


In exploring Christ as the healer, we unveil the profound connection between His compassion and the authority granted to believers. Embracing the truth that God is love and understanding our identity in Christ empowers us to actively resist the schemes of the devil. Christ's compassion remains a beacon of hope, inspiring faith and healing in a world that needs the touch of the ultimate healer.



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